Link URL | Link Description |
OK Traffic | Oklahoma Traffic Advisories, Interactive Map with Live Traffic Cameras and Road Condition Resources. |
Thingiverse | Thingiverse is a 3D Printing website dedicated to the sharing of free, user-created digital design files. |
Printables | A dependable alternative to Thingiverse, with another large selection of free 3D Models to print. |
Bard AI | Bard is a conversational generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Google. |
YouTube MP3 | Copy & Paste the YouTube video link to easily convert YouTube videos to MP3 audio. |
Hugging Face | A large selection of Pre-Trained and Open Source Artificial Intelligence Models, think GitHub for A.I. |
GitHub | Service for software development and version control using Git, allowing developers to store and manage their code. |
Steam | Video Game digital storefront and game launcher from Valve with over 30,000 listings. |
PixelCanvas.io | Place color pixels on an infinite canvas with other players online. “Be sure to read the instructions.” |
Pryor Main Street | Pryor’s Main Street showcases the heart of Pryor – the downtown area rich in history and alive with small town charm. |
Mayes County Chamber of Commerce | Pryor Area Chamber of Commerce, working together to improve the economic, civic, and cultural well being of the area. |
City of Pryor Creek YouTube | A preview of the town, live streams and updates about the City of Pryor Creek. |
Pterodactyl Panel | Linux server software to host games such as Minecraft, GTA5, Garry’s Mod, Ark, Counter Strike and more. |
CompTIA | “Computing Technology Industry Association” is the top American issued professional certifications for the IT industry. |
Earth Live Stream | ISS High Definition Live Streaming Video of the Earth (HDEV) |
“These will soon be categorized, just populating for now.”